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Service to others is a priority to our Cross Connection family. Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 20:26-28, “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” In our world those who serve others are not considered great but serving others is something that Jesus considers to be great. Jesus not only instructed us to serve others - He demonstrated it in His own life. Jesus set the example of serving others and He served to the extent of giving His very life.


A crucial part of our church vision is to serve the lost and the saved. Jesus didn't just serve those who loved Him - He also served those who rejected and hated Him. At Cross Connection we put a strong emphasis on serving other believers in the church and on serving the lost in our community as well. We provide opportunities for each believer to use their gifts to serve the body of Christ and we facilitate service in the community and city that meets both spiritual and practical needs.


For more information on different opportunities to serve please click the links below.

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